
SECTION 2: INTIMIDATION - demonstrating superiority of power

~Where it goes next~

INTIMIDATION......what is it?

Your abuser will instill fear in you by using looks, actions, gestures, loud voices, smashing things, destroying property, stalking or driving a car at an excessive speed.

Total defiance of authority in society settings is most common.

Your abuser wants you to believe that you can't win or make any kind of changes or decisions in your life. He/she wants you to feel like you are to do everything that he or she wants because, no matter what, the abuser is going to "Come out on Top"

What characteristics might your abuser be displaying?

Acting "All Powerful"

Making "GOOD" on his/her threats

Lying, especially to authority "SELL" them an acceptable story

Lying about "incidents" of abuse to authorities

Extreme confidence in themselves that they will never suffer any consequences for their abusive nature


Exposure, over time, will cause you to believe that your abuse is "all powerful" and that you have no control in your life. You may begin to assume that he or she will always win. You may stop trying to find ways to end the violence in your life.

Lesbians let their fingers walk in more than just the Yellow Pages.....

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