I always knew that looking back on my tears would make me laugh...
But I never knew that looking back on my laughter would make me cry.

Finally....the ~Slide Viewer~ gizmo is up and running !

...Lesbian Film Reviews..

About this picture: A couple of years ago I was chatting with ~THIS~ chick in a Lesbian ChatRoom on AOL. It escapes me as to what "exactly" happened....(more than likely it was a "puter" CRASH!)....but she sent me her pic.....and I never managed to run into her again.
Poking through some old "friends" pics on my hard drive, guess what I found?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways.....I think the chick (and the pic) are extrmemly sexy and thought it appropriate for my little project! *HUGS*

Lesbians let their fingers walk in more than just the Yellow Pages.....